Tuesday, March 13, 2007

OBR RUMOR ALERT - Bentley Back by October - THIS YEAR!

Hey, we can all dream, right? From the "we hope this is not a mirage file...

...according "Oasis," a frequent poster on the OBR, Supposedly, he's telling Phil NOT to place him on the IR. His goal is to be back THIS YEAR.

Per my source. He's rehabilitating in Arizona and will be back in Cleveland shortly. He feels that he'll be ready to play in OCTOBER!!!I reported he was done for good, but his own words have completely contradicted that. He (LCB) feels the 2nd surgery isn't warranted or needed.Guys, when I "broke" this I had full assurances that he was done. I feel compelled to report that it isn't the case. - Oasis

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